Personal Fitness Training in London and West Sussex

Are you having trouble getting motivated to exercise? Are you struggling to find the time? Would you like to use a gym but feel put off because you don’t know where to start? Have you tried and failed to lose weight and feel like it’s impossible? Are you always tired and feel drained? Are you struggling to move well and have lost your flexibility? Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you starting to notice that your health isn’t what it could be? Are you having problems keeping up with your kids? Does it feel like exercise was never meant to be for you? Do you not know where to start with exercise and diet?

Sound familiar? Over the last quarter century my clients have come to me with all of the above issues, and many more. My job as a trainer has been to simplify everything for them and start them off on a successful journey to a fitter, and healthier life. Changing your body shape will be part of the journey, but taking regular exercise can offer you so much more, from both a mental and physical health standpoint.

A client story:

I have been training and advising Steve since late 2012 when he joined a 45 – 50 years group training with me in a London park.  These men had been very fit and active but allowed themselves to lose fitness and gain weight as other time demands and a few too many business lunches took their toll.

Steve was consistent in making two sessions a week of bodyweight resistance training and boxing. Progress was slow but steady, he was able to do full press-ups again and began to feel better.  At 6’4” tall and around 18 stone Steve was overweight and  wanted to drop a few kilos. After 6 months with me he did my ‘Quick Fix’ diet – dropping 5kg in two weeks – which was the kick start that got Steve over his fitness hump and back into clothes that hadn’t fitted for years

A keen cyclist in his youth and now with more time and renewed fitness, Steve got back on his road bike in mid-2013. He was soon combining my sessions with three or more sessions per week on the road – typically long cardio work over 2 hours plus.  Steve rides on average over 150 miles per week  and has completed several challenging events including Manchester to London in a day (230 miles) in 2014 and 2015; and seven back-to-back stages of the 2015 Tour de France in Brittany and the Pyrenees.

Now at 50 Steve manages himself but still sees me about once a week in London for some training and a chat about fitness, any aches, diet and whatever event he is thinking of doing. He trains regularly, rides for fun, enjoys food and wine; and says he has never felt better.

I have been training with Richard for over 2 years and have lost over 2 stone in weight and am fitter than ever before. His enthusiastic and tailored programmes make training enjoyable and effective.

Simon Gwyther

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